Saturday, October 07, 2006
Growing in Faith...Or Not?
Heb 11:17-19 "By faith Abraham, being tried, offered up Isaac: yea, he that had gladly received the promises was offering up his only begotten son; even he to whom it was said, In Isaac shall thy seed be called:accounting that God is able to raise up, even from the dead; from whence he did also in a figure receive him back."
Gen 22:1-19 "And it came to pass after these things, that God did prove Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. And he clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will worship, and come again to you. And Abraham took the wood of the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife. And they went both of them together. And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father. And he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold, the fire and the wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt-offering? And Abraham said, God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt-offering, my son. So they went both of them together. And they came to the place which God had told him of. And Abraham built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of Jehovah called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Here I am. And he said, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him. For now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt-offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh. As it is said to this day, In the mount of Jehovah it shall be provided. And the angel of Jehovah called unto Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said, By myself have I sworn, saith Jehovah, because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is upon the seashore. And thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Because thou hast obeyed my voice.So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beer-sheba. And Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba."
I've been studying the life and faith of Abraham. It seems that God brought Abraham many tests to prove the genuineness of his faith. In the above account, Abraham's faith stood the test. When called to make the ultimate sacrifice, he made it. But as I began to look at the whole of Abraham's life, I realized that though he was a man noted for his faith, there were times when he did not demonstrate that strong faith. The setbacks Abraham experienced were a result of his distrust in God.
In one such instance (Genesis 12:10-20), Abraham went to Egypt after a famine in the land of Canaan. In Egypt, he convinced Sarah, his wife, to conceal truth, thus putting her in a hard position (Pharaoh wanting to take her as his wife). Abraham had panicked. He had taken matters into his own hands instead of trusting God to protect both he and his wife. More importantly, he forgot about the line. From Abraham's seed would come the Christ. (God's sovereign will was ultimately done, as we know.) In this instance, had Abraham been so afraid that this escaped his mind? Where was the man of strong faith that I read of in Genesis 22 and Hebrews 11?
I believe that Abraham learned hard lessons in the faithless times that brought him to a remarkable growth point.Time and time again, he encountered trials and time and time again, those trials were proving the genuineness of his faith. Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials.
This account of Abraham's obedience shows the character of the Lord. The Lord is all-knowing, so it was not hidden from Him that Abraham loved his son, Isaac dearly. This trial was to prove Abraham's faith, to make him more like the Christ He had confidence in. Abraham was to put his son on display as a sacrifice (burnt offering). What is also interesting to me is that Abraham traveled 3 days to get to the destination (Moriah) where he would offer up his son! 3 days journey that could have caused him to change his mind and turn back, only caused him to become more confident that God would not break His promise to him.
When he was called upon by God to make the ultimate sacrifice (offering up his only son, Isaac), he did not falter in his faith. He believed and trusted God to the utmost. And even though it was God Who had extended His grace and mercy to Abraham in the times that Abraham failed, God blessed him for that faith. God remained faithful and blessed Abraham just as He said He would. Abraham had one son and was willing to part with that one son. Therefore, God recompensed his obedience with thousands, even millions of "sons" in generations to come.
Do I think this account was given to show how great of a man Abraham was? No. I think this account was given to show us what we can be only by the grace of God. It reveals that we serve a faithful God. It reveals the glory of God because only He can make us new creatures and take us to amazing heights of faith! How could Abraham have had such faith? His heart was turned from himself to care more about the plans and purposes of His heavenly Father. The grace he had been extended was enough for him to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
Here's how Matthew Henry puts it:
"Whatever is dearest to us upon earth is our Isaac. And the only way for us to find comfort in an earthly thing, is to give it by faith into the hands of God. Yet remember that Abraham was not justified by his readiness to obey, but by the infinitely more noble obedience of Jesus Christ; his faith receiving this, relying on this, rejoicing in this, disposed and made him able for such wonderful self-denial and duty."
This account does nothing less than point us back to the glory of Jesus Christ. Who gave His only Son for the salvation of man? God the Father. And Who was willing to give His life as a sacrifice in obedience to His Father's will? Jesus Christ.
Where do we stand in our faith? Have we learned from the times of faithlessness? Have we, like Abraham, seen the faithfulness of God, and exercised confidence in Him?
As Abraham came to understand Who God was and who he was not in light of the glory of God, he became trusting and obedient. And despite the failed attempts, God still blessed him for the times that he was faithful. And he blessed him immensely! But the basis for such strong faith was a heart changed by the grace of God. Praise God that He has given us His Spirit! Through Him we are forever changing and growing.
Gal 3:14 "that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
[***One final sidenote: The temple was later built on that same hill (Mount Moriah) where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac. Jehovah-jireh--"the LORD will provide." And He did provide. His faithfulness has been proven from generation to generation.
( 2Ch 3:1 "Then Solomon began to build the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem on mount Moriah, where Jehovah appeared unto David his father, which he made ready in the place that David had appointed, in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.")]
"Dear Father,
Thank You for You- the ultimate sacrifice. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your Spirit that enables me to change and grow more like You. May I learn from the life and faith of Abraham how to be closer to You. Help me to always have a teachable spirit.
In Jesus' name,
Love in Christ,
Gen 22:1-19 "And it came to pass after these things, that God did prove Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. And he clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will worship, and come again to you. And Abraham took the wood of the burnt-offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife. And they went both of them together. And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father. And he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold, the fire and the wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt-offering? And Abraham said, God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt-offering, my son. So they went both of them together. And they came to the place which God had told him of. And Abraham built the altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of Jehovah called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Here I am. And he said, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him. For now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt-offering in the stead of his son. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh. As it is said to this day, In the mount of Jehovah it shall be provided. And the angel of Jehovah called unto Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said, By myself have I sworn, saith Jehovah, because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which is upon the seashore. And thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Because thou hast obeyed my voice.So Abraham returned unto his young men, and they rose up and went together to Beer-sheba. And Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba."
I've been studying the life and faith of Abraham. It seems that God brought Abraham many tests to prove the genuineness of his faith. In the above account, Abraham's faith stood the test. When called to make the ultimate sacrifice, he made it. But as I began to look at the whole of Abraham's life, I realized that though he was a man noted for his faith, there were times when he did not demonstrate that strong faith. The setbacks Abraham experienced were a result of his distrust in God.
In one such instance (Genesis 12:10-20), Abraham went to Egypt after a famine in the land of Canaan. In Egypt, he convinced Sarah, his wife, to conceal truth, thus putting her in a hard position (Pharaoh wanting to take her as his wife). Abraham had panicked. He had taken matters into his own hands instead of trusting God to protect both he and his wife. More importantly, he forgot about the line. From Abraham's seed would come the Christ. (God's sovereign will was ultimately done, as we know.) In this instance, had Abraham been so afraid that this escaped his mind? Where was the man of strong faith that I read of in Genesis 22 and Hebrews 11?
I believe that Abraham learned hard lessons in the faithless times that brought him to a remarkable growth point.Time and time again, he encountered trials and time and time again, those trials were proving the genuineness of his faith. Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials.
This account of Abraham's obedience shows the character of the Lord. The Lord is all-knowing, so it was not hidden from Him that Abraham loved his son, Isaac dearly. This trial was to prove Abraham's faith, to make him more like the Christ He had confidence in. Abraham was to put his son on display as a sacrifice (burnt offering). What is also interesting to me is that Abraham traveled 3 days to get to the destination (Moriah) where he would offer up his son! 3 days journey that could have caused him to change his mind and turn back, only caused him to become more confident that God would not break His promise to him.
When he was called upon by God to make the ultimate sacrifice (offering up his only son, Isaac), he did not falter in his faith. He believed and trusted God to the utmost. And even though it was God Who had extended His grace and mercy to Abraham in the times that Abraham failed, God blessed him for that faith. God remained faithful and blessed Abraham just as He said He would. Abraham had one son and was willing to part with that one son. Therefore, God recompensed his obedience with thousands, even millions of "sons" in generations to come.
Do I think this account was given to show how great of a man Abraham was? No. I think this account was given to show us what we can be only by the grace of God. It reveals that we serve a faithful God. It reveals the glory of God because only He can make us new creatures and take us to amazing heights of faith! How could Abraham have had such faith? His heart was turned from himself to care more about the plans and purposes of His heavenly Father. The grace he had been extended was enough for him to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
Here's how Matthew Henry puts it:
"Whatever is dearest to us upon earth is our Isaac. And the only way for us to find comfort in an earthly thing, is to give it by faith into the hands of God. Yet remember that Abraham was not justified by his readiness to obey, but by the infinitely more noble obedience of Jesus Christ; his faith receiving this, relying on this, rejoicing in this, disposed and made him able for such wonderful self-denial and duty."
This account does nothing less than point us back to the glory of Jesus Christ. Who gave His only Son for the salvation of man? God the Father. And Who was willing to give His life as a sacrifice in obedience to His Father's will? Jesus Christ.
Where do we stand in our faith? Have we learned from the times of faithlessness? Have we, like Abraham, seen the faithfulness of God, and exercised confidence in Him?
As Abraham came to understand Who God was and who he was not in light of the glory of God, he became trusting and obedient. And despite the failed attempts, God still blessed him for the times that he was faithful. And he blessed him immensely! But the basis for such strong faith was a heart changed by the grace of God. Praise God that He has given us His Spirit! Through Him we are forever changing and growing.
Gal 3:14 "that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
[***One final sidenote: The temple was later built on that same hill (Mount Moriah) where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac. Jehovah-jireh--"the LORD will provide." And He did provide. His faithfulness has been proven from generation to generation.
( 2Ch 3:1 "Then Solomon began to build the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem on mount Moriah, where Jehovah appeared unto David his father, which he made ready in the place that David had appointed, in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite.")]
"Dear Father,
Thank You for You- the ultimate sacrifice. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your Spirit that enables me to change and grow more like You. May I learn from the life and faith of Abraham how to be closer to You. Help me to always have a teachable spirit.
In Jesus' name,
Love in Christ,
posted by Heather Livingston at 9:21 PM
Thankfully when God called Himself to make the ultimate sacrifice for us; he went completely through with it, and in doing so allowed us to come to Him. I think that Abraham's life showed he gained wisdom and strength of faith as he got older. This is true with many of us. Also, the part you wrote, "Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials." goes along well with last Sunday message from Pastor Aaron.
In Christ,
Thank you so much for your thoughts and feelings about Abraham. This was a wonderful way to start my day. It really encourages me to see you writing here again. You have become such a cherished friend to me. God bless you this week and I look forward to sharing more thoughts and growth about our savior. Angela
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